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   Ngày tham gia:(1/10/2010)
   Tổng truy cập:(139,418)
   Sản phẩm: (4)
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My status

Mechanical product
Tổng lượt truy cập: 5051 - Cập nhật: 11/9/2010 3:18:00 PM
Giá bán:
Kích thước bao bì (d*r*c): 0*0*0 mm
Trọng lượng: 1 kg

Công ty TNHH Thương mại và Kỹ thuật Việt Nhật

  • Đại diện doanh nghiệp: Ông Vũ Hoài Thanh - Giám đốc
  • Địa chỉ e-mail: contact@vietnhatgroup.com
  • Địa chỉ: Số 151 - Tổ 7 - Phường Thắng Lợi - Thị xã Sông Công - Thái Nguyên - Vietnam
  • Số điện thoại: 0280 3509 716
  • Số Fax: 0280 3662 747
Gửi cho bạn bè | Báo tin xấu

Mechanical product
With a passenger plane's parts as our major products, the steps for processing comprise:

1. Aerospace Turning Parts;

2. Aerospace Drilling Parts;

3. Aerospace Milling Parts;

4. Aerospace Precise dimensions.

By 2009, these products have been produced for one decade continuously.

By 2009, VNT Corporations has been producing Mechanical Parts and Mechanical Kits over 25 years, such as spindle, cutting disc, transmission shaft, specific cutting tool, blade adapter, special machinery and fixture, not the least of which is the specific cutting tool used in one vertical milling & turning machine under our high manufacturing capability.

We are a supplier specializing in manufacture and supply of Automobile Accessories and
Automotive Parts.

Automobile Components and Automobile Accessories produced to match parts and forgings used in axles of motor vehicles fabricated by European, American and Japanese auto parts manufacturers.

Stabilized vertical-driven automobile axles avoid bearings axial inertia.

Mechanical product
With a passenger plane's parts as our major products, the steps for processing comprise:

1. Aerospace Turning Parts;

2. Aerospace Drilling Parts;

3. Aerospace Milling Parts;

4. Aerospace Precise dimensions.

By 2009, these products have been produced for one decade continuously.


By 2009, VNT Corporations has been producing Mechanical Parts and Mechanical Kits over 25 years, such as spindle, cutting disc, transmission shaft, specific cutting tool, blade adapter, special machinery and fixture, not the least of which is the specific cutting tool used in one vertical milling & turning machine under our high manufacturing capability.







We are a supplier specializing in manufacture and supply of Automobile Accessories and
Automotive Parts.

Automobile Components and Automobile Accessories produced to match parts and forgings used in axles of motor vehicles fabricated by European, American and Japanese auto parts manufacturers.

Stabilized vertical-driven automobile axles avoid bearings axial inertia.


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Thép tấm cán nóng (SS400 - Q345B)

Gia công cơ khí


Quặng sắt

Mechanical product


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Business Licensed Registration Number: 0101138702 - Date: 02/05/2001 – Place: HaNoi Department of Planning and Investment

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