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máy hàn chíp , may han chan PCB
Tổng lượt truy cập: 8687 - Cập nhật: 9/25/2014 5:51:00 AM
Giá bán: 1 - 1 VND/1
Kích thước bao bì (d*r*c): 1*1*1 mm
Trọng lượng: 1 kg

Công ty TNHH thương mại với việt thành phố Mian yang TQ

  • Đại diện doanh nghiệp: sotk
  • Địa chỉ e-mail: scmy3691@yahoo.com.vn
  • Địa chỉ: đường T  - Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture - Sichuan - China (Mainland)
  • Số điện thoại:
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Gửi cho bạn bè | Báo tin xấu

--- giữ uy tín, chất lượng cao, giá cả mềm, nhận hàng tại Việt Nam

Giới thiệu:
1、 Adopt infrared weld technology which independent exploration.
2、Use infrared heat,easy to cut through,heat proportion piercing tradition weld machine with sirocco.
3、Easily operate.Just need one day training.Can operation this machine.
4、Don't need weld tools.This machine can weld all the component of 35x35-50x50mm.
5、This machine has 800W heating system.widely to240x180mm.
6、Infrared heating don't have sirocco flow. Don't impact perimeter small component.Can suitable for all of the component,especially Micro BGA component.
7、Definitely can satisfy the computer, the notebook, the electricity swims and so on the BGA sealing off/repairs to request;Specially especially suits to the computer north and south bridge.
Tham số:
Work floor size 360X240mm
Rated voltage and frequency AC220-230v 60/50Hz
Complete machine power 1000W
Infra-red lamp body power 150W
Preheating chassis power 800W
Infra-red lamp body heating size Φ70mm(50x50mm)
Preheating chassis preheating size 240x180mm
Infra-red lamp body temperature adjustable 200℃-350℃
Preheating chassis temperature adjustable 60℃-200℃
Instrument inventory
Welding table main body 1
Infra-red lamp body 1
Temperature sensor 1
Board support of the circuit 1
Power line 1
user's manual(Compact disc) 1

1、Inspect the machine and then open it
(1) Check if the connection wire of the lamp body, the Temp-sensor and power cable is ok.
(2) Turn on the power switch. Allow the T87 Power-On-Self-Test (POST) to complete. After this, Temperature set-points will display last value used.
(3) The front panel has two switches, controls the preheating dish and the infra-red lamp body separately;
2、PC Board Component Removal and Replacement
(1) Placed the PCB Board
Put the PCB board on the “PCB board holder”, rotate the “holder fasten nut”, fasten it. Move the “PCB board holder” to choose the right position.
(2)the Process of unsoldering and repairing
①Adjust the position of the PCB board, make the chip at the centre of the lamp light. Adjust the height of the lamp body, keep the lamp 20-30mm from the chip.
②Put the temp-sensor at the edge of the chip, lay a bed of solder flux around the chip and on the temp-sensor, it will make the measured temperature more accurately, at the same time the solder flux will make the soldering chip more perfect, and keep the bonding pad away from conglutinating and having tin wool.
③According to the producing technological requirement or the size of PCB board, adjust the pre-heat dish temperature(adjustable 60-200℃).
When there is waterproof solid sealing compound on the chip, please open the pre-heat dish to pulverize the solid sealing compound first, then clean it up. You may adopt other method as sol/hydrosol. When you adopt the method we supplied, you had better choose the temperature between 100℃ and 140℃according to the producing technological requirement or the size of PCB board, control the pre-heat time 3-5 minutes(the temperature will be steady) or longer.
Otherwise if the chip is without waterproof solid sealing compound or the PCB board is small, then it won’t transmutation, we needn’t open the pre-heat dish
④According to the producing technological requirement or the size of chip, choose the suitable temperature of the IR-lamp.
⑤Usually, when the chip size is less than 20*20mm, we adjust the IR-lamp temperature 220-240℃, and if the chip is without waterproof solid sealing compound or the PCB board is small, then it won’t transmutation, we needn’t open the pre-heat dish. Otherwise, we should adjust the pre-heat temperature to 100-120℃.
When the chip is lager than 30*30mm,we should adjust the pre-heat temperature to 120-140℃ first, wait 3-5minutes and the temperature will be steady. Then adjust the IR-lamp temperature to 240-260℃, we will complete the unsoldering and repairing process conveniently. Attention: At the time, the light is strong, the temperature rises quickly, we should pay our attention on controlling, avoid the Temp-sensor displacement, reflect on the temperature measuring. We should also pay our attention on time controlling, avoid burning out the chip.
⑥When achieving the set-up lamp temperature, Once the solder liquefied and melted, use tweezers to remove the chip.
... v.v...


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