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   Ngày tham gia:(10/17/2010)
   Tổng truy cập:(139,865)
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Bơm nhiên liệu, fuel pump
Tổng lượt truy cập: 5865 - Cập nhật: 11/8/2010 4:41:00 PM
Giá bán: 0.000 - 0.000 VND/1
(280 USD)
Kích thước bao bì (d*r*c): 150*150*150 mm
Trọng lượng: 2.5 kg

Fuji Techno Japan

  • Đại diện doanh nghiệp: Thuy Vu
  • Địa chỉ e-mail: vtt@fuji-techno.co.jp
  • Địa chỉ: Osaka, Japan - Hirakata - Osaka - Japan
  • Số điện thoại: 072-858-5251
  • Số Fax:
Gửi cho bạn bè | Báo tin xấu

Bơm Nhiên liệu hàng Nhật

Trochoid Pumps [Fuel pumps]

GFS[for kerosene and heavy oil A]

  • Specially designed for small burners.
  • Two types of the pumps are available: 2-hole flange type (GFS-A) and set screw without flange type (GFS B). The cheap GFS-D without cut-off valve also available.
  • The valve, having an innovative structure (patent pending), avoids troubles caused by rust and scale.
  • The starting torque of 10 N・m or less allows the use of energy saving motor.
Model Pressure MPa Discharge capacity (L/h) (2,900min-1)
GFS 0.7~1.2 35~20

Performance Curve-50Hz/60Hz (PDF)

GFY[for kerosene and heavy oil A]

  • There are three models in terms of discharge capacity. Each model is subdivided, into nine models in total, depending on the shaft shape and other factors. Please contact us for the best selection of pumps to your application.
  • The pumps are designed to deal with the Japanese kerosene that is poor in lubrication properties. The pumps are made of special materials featuring excellent durability, thereby ensuring a very long service life.
Model Pressure MPa Discharge capacity (L/h) (2,900min-1)
GFY 0.7~1.4 100~25

Performance Curve-50Hz/60Hz (PDF)

GFKY[for kerosene and heavy oil A]

There are two models in terms of discharge capacity. They are designed to operate under the same conditions as GF pumps but in larger capacity.

Model Pressure MPa Discharge capacity (L/h) (2,900min-1)
GFKY 0.7~2.0 180~110

Performance Curve-50Hz/60Hz (PDF)

GFLY[for kerosene and heavy oil A]

There are three models in terms of discharge capacity.
This pump has been developed to meet heavy oil pollution control requirements. The pump is designed in a two-stage structure to withstand 2.0 MPa high pressure even when Japanese kerosene is used under very unfavorable conditions. It is a large capacity pump for low viscosity boasting the world's highest reliability when Japanese kerosene is used.

Model Pressure MPa Discharge capacity (L/h) (2,900min-1)
GFLY 0.7~2.0 450~200

Performance Curve-50Hz/60Hz (PDF)

GFH[for heavy oil B and C]

There are four models in terms of discharge capacity ranging from 2.0 L/h (1,450 rpm and 1.5MPa) to 230 L/h (2,900 rpm and 1.5MPa). Each model is subdivided into seven models in total depending on the shaft shape.

Model Pressure MPa Discharge capacity (L/h) (2,900min-1)
GFH 1.0~2.5 230~40

Performance Curve-50Hz/60Hz (PDF)

Sản phẩm - Dịch vụ
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