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   Ngày tham gia:(12/28/2010)
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Relay Micom/Alstom P122, P121, P127
Tổng lượt truy cập: 5112 - Cập nhật: 10/28/2016 2:51:00 PM
Giá bán:
Kích thước bao bì (d*r*c): 0*0*0 mm
Trọng lượng: 0 kg

Công Ty Cổ Phần Tự Động Việt

  • Đại diện doanh nghiệp: Nguyễn Tất Đạt
  • Địa chỉ e-mail: vietautomation@live.com
  • Địa chỉ: 102/14 Nguyễn Tư Giản, P. 12, Gò Vấp, TP.HCM - Quận Tân Phú -  TP Hồ Chí Minh - Vietnam
  • Số điện thoại: 0888547890
  • Số Fax:
Gửi cho bạn bè | Báo tin xấu

The MiCOM P12x/y relays provides features for
easy adaptation and are suitable for all applications
where overcurrent and earth-fault protection are
The MiCOM P12x non-directional relays ranges from
the single phase/earth fault P120 up to the
multifunction three phase and earth fault P123.
The MiCOM P12y directional relays ranges from the
single phase/earth fault P125 up to the multifunction
three phase and earth fault P127, complete of
voltage functions.
Users particularly appreciate the friendliness of the
Human Machine Interface and the easy setting of
the relays (that can be fully set through the front HMI
or using MiCOM S1 setting software).
In addition to its protection function, MiCOM P12x/y
provides full measurement and monitoring
information necessary for efficient maintenance and
post-fault analysis.
Several communication protocols allow easy
interfacing of the MiCOM P12x/y relays in most of
substation control or SCADA systems.
The MiCOM P12x/y range is housed in the same
draw out 4U metal case for panel or rack mounting
with 20TE width (P120, P121, P122, P123 and P125)
or 30TE width (P126 and P127).


please contact me if you need more information.

Sản phẩm - Dịch vụ
Các sản phẩm 1 - 7 .Trong tổng số: 7 Trang tiếp: 1
RTK - Control valve

Van điều chỉnh - RTK I/P Positioner


Web guide system type WG.251.400.300.50.2

Relay Micom/Alstom P122, P121, P127


Encoder Heidenhain - ERN 1387-2048

Web guide system type WG.251.400.300.50.2


Encoder Baumer Thalheim model ITD 21 A 4 Y82 1024 T NI KR 1 F 14 IP54 21

Trang tiếp: 1
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