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Sangoma A101
Tổng lượt truy cập: 1900 - Cập nhật: 5/4/2011 3:54:00 PM
Giá bán: 0.000 - 0.000 VND/CÁI
(590 USD)
Kích thước bao bì (d*r*c): 1*1*1 mm
Trọng lượng: 1 kg

Công ty TNHH Tin Học Viễn Thông Liên Hoa

  • Đại diện doanh nghiệp: Trần Thị Thu
  • Địa chỉ e-mail: nguyet.dao@lotus-asia.net
  • Địa chỉ: 712 Cách Mạng Tháng 8, Phường 5 - Quận Tân Bình -  TP Hồ Chí Minh - Vietnam
  • Số điện thoại: 098 318 883
  • Số Fax: 08 399 30967
Gửi cho bạn bè | Báo tin xấu

The A101 is part of Sangoma's family of Advanced Flexible Telecommunications hardware product line—it uses the same high-performance PCI or PCI Express interface that is providing superior performance in critical systems all over the world.

The A101 supports up to 2.048 Mbps of full duplex data throughput or up to 30 voice calls over a single T1, E1, or J1 line.

With Sangoma cards, you can take advantage of hardware and software improvements, as soon as they become available. The A101, like all cards in Sangoma's AFT family, is field upgradeable with crash-proof firmware.

Choose the Sangoma A101D and A101DE, equiped with world class DSP hardware to achieve carrier-grade Echo Cancellation and Voice Quality Enhancement functions for your telephone systems.


  • One T1/E1 port with optimum PCI or PCI-Express interface for high performance voice and data applications
  • Support for Asterisk®, FreeSwitch, and Yate as well as other Open Source and proprietary PBX, Switch, IVR, and VoIP gateway applications
  • All of Sangoma's AFT products use the same base PCI interface card. Fully compatible with all commercially available motherboards—proper PCI-standard interrupt sharing without manual tuning
  • Dimensions: 2U Form factor: 120 mm x 55 mm for use in restricted chassis. Includes high-quality, tested RJ45 cables and short 2U mounting clips for installation in 2U rack-mount servers
  • Includes high-quality, tested RJ45 cables and short 2U mounting clips for installation in 2U rack-mount servers
  • Intelligent hardware: Downloadable FPGA programming with multiple operating modes. Add new features related to voice and/or data when they become available
  • Autosense compatibility with 5 V and 3.3 V PCI busses
  • Line decoding: HDB3, AMI, B8ZS
  • Framing: CRC-4, Non CRC4, ESF, SF, D4. Also compatible with Japan's J1
  • A101E and A101DE PCI Express: 1 Lane PCI Express bus
  • Maximum operational power for PCI: 3 W (0.6 A 5 V) For PCI Express: 2.5 W (0.76 A 3.3 V)
  • Temperature range: 0   50 °C
  • 32-bit bus master DMA data exchanges across PCI interface at 132 Mbytes/sec for minimum host processor intervention
  • Ring buffer DMA handling for minimum host intervention and guaranteed data integrity on high volume systems
  • Supports Robbed Bit Channel Associated Signaling (CAS) and ISDN PRI
  • T1/E1 and fractional T1/E1, multiple channel HDLC per line for mixed data/TDM voice applications
  • Optimized per channel DMA streams and hardware-level HDLC handling unload the host CPU
  • Use raw bitstream interfaces to support arbitrary non-standard line protocols, such as non-byte aligned monosynch or bisynch


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